September 23, 2011

Ant & The Elephant

I spend a lot of time in front of computer screen, partly because I am a full time programmer in Java as well as I like to *surf* the Internet. In between I get time to read few books. One of the books which I recently red is "The Ant and The Elephant". It's a simple book highlighting our thinking process and how our brain works.

Normally when you read a book there are lot of things which can be taken from it. I personally believe I won't be able to remember all the facts from books I have read but I try to take something out from each one of them. From this book I found a simple way to remove Negative thoughts from my mind. Thoughts which do not help me in any way and only stop me from doing my work or rather what's necessary.

Before starting anything we sometimes crowd our mind with thoughts like Will it work ?, Would I become successful ?, This app is to difficult to develop ? etc.
Read this book with attention and at the end you also would be able to take something out of it.

Link for Amazon and Flipkart

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